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Doors for Tube Traffic Secrets 2.0 will be opening soon! And Jeff Johnson is giving away a special "Double Your Membership For Free" bonus when you join early. This special bonus will only be available for a very, very limited time, as in a few days, possibly less. (see the TTS sales video when it goes live for complete bonus details and other important information) The best way to make sure that you get in on this special bonus offer, and the 8 or 9 others that he's including with new memberships is to¦. Join The Early Bird List: Almost 2,000 people joined his Tube Traffic Secrets 2.0 private membership site when he opened the doors for the first time ever last fall. And it had one of the lowest refund rates we've seen in years so they obviously found great value in it. But here's the kicker... Up until a few weeks ago they were paying the very same you will be paying when you join tomorrow. However, they got half the amount of time in the private membership site that you'll get, but only if you join early and lock in the special "double your membership" bonus Jeff will be handing out when he opens the doors to new students starting at Noon Eastern on Monday April 29th. So here's my advice: Join The Early Bird List and you'll be first in line to take advantage of this special offer. The first three training videos are on Fire! 48,408 people signed up to watch the first 3 videos alone. And they have left thousands of Facebook likes, comments and some fantastic questions, but... Here's the problem: Jeff and his staff love getting your feedback so they read every single one of your comments and questions on his blog. But there are thousands and thousands of them so there's no way for them to personally answer every single one of them. So Jeff took your most popular questions from the first three videos and he recorded a special "questions and answers" video #4 and posted it to his blog. Here are the answers to your most popular questions. [ Tube Traffic Secrets 2] * Here are just a few of the questions that I answer in the new video: * How do I get my YouTube Video to rank higher on Google? * Should I pay for videos views? * How many videos do I need before I start seeing real traffic? Should I have more than one YouTube channel? * Should I use special software to gain subscribers? * How do I figure out which topics I should create a video for? * YouTube shut my channel down. Is there anything I can do to get it turned back on? * There's one keyword phrase that I really want to rank high for on YouTube but I can't seem to get on the first page. What can I do to rank higher for just that one keyword? * Which of the popular YouTube software programs do you use to get more traffic? Find out the answers to these questions and more... At the very end of the video Jeff spends just a few minutes answering the most popular questions about Tube Traffic Secrets 2.0 and how it can benefit your business. He also reveals a surprise bonus that he has in store for you. So be sure to stick around until the very end of the video because the bonus is only going to be available for a few days. If you missed the first three videos, don't worry... There are links to all three of them just above Video #4. And don't forget to join the Join The Tube Traffic Secrets 2.0 Early Bird List if you'd like to get in on the special "Double Your Membership" Bonus.
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